New England Cord Blood Bank Using Sepax 2 from Biosafe as their Cord Blood Processing Platform

New England Cord Blood Bank, Inc. (NECBB) is pleased to announce that it now processes its cord blood using the Sepax 2 system from Biosafe. Biosafe is the world leader in stem cell processing, serving stem cell banks, hospitals and research institutes alike with innovative cell processing solutions.

Sepax 2 is a fully automated, mobile, closed capability system that provides the most efficient and consistent processing of umbilical cord blood. The system involves processing of the umbilical cord blood via both its "plasma depletion" method and the "red cell reduction" method. The Sepax system provides the NECBB client with exceptional post-thaw cell viability count. This ensures that your family will have the greatest supply of high quality stem cells available should transplant become necessary. Sepax processes every cord blood unit individually, respecting its biologic specificity and unique cell characteristics.
NECBB processes and stores lifesaving stem cells for thousands of families worldwide. Cord blood stem cells, obtained from the umbilical cord immediately following birth, are currently used to treat and cure more than 80 diseases. Successful transplants for cancer, anemia and other blood based diseases occur on a regular basis at approved transplant hospitals both domestically and internationally.

Most recently, families have begun to also bank the cord tissue itself. This tissue contains regenerative stem cells that have the potential to repair virtually any tissue in the human body. NECBB is proud to offer the processing of the cord tissue, at no additional cost, when families bank their child's cord blood at NECBB.
