Cord Blood Registry starts groundbreaking autism study

Cord Blood Registry, or CBR is based in Tucson, AZ is a bank of umbilical cord stem cells harvested at birth. The cells can be used to treat blood disorders, and have shown promise in treating other issues.

"We've taken this leadership role, initiating clinical trials for cerebral palsy, for traumatic brain injury, for hearing loss and now autism. If you do the math at one in 88 kids affected with autism, we have 425,000 children stored here, we expect about one in 5,000 kids banked here in the drawers that you see behind me are impacted by the condition," said Dr. Heather Brown with CBR.

So researchers decided to do something about it. They're starting a study to see if the cells stored at CBR could help autistic children.

"We've been monitoring the research that suggests umbilical cord blood stem cells might aid in the repair of the damaged immune and nervous system," Brown said.

Brown said, potentially, the cells could help with language and behavioral issues in autistic kids and since the study is done on children who have their cord blood stored here, they'll be getting their own umbilical cord blood stem cells.

CBR is still recruiting for this study. If your child has their blood stored there and is autistic, they'd like to hear from you.

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