List of USA Public cord blood banks

As you knew, Public cord blood banks accept cord blood donations for free. By donating umbilical cord blood, you have chosen to try to help someone in need of a potentially life-saving transplant.

Public cord blood banks that accept cord blood from anywhere in the U.S.

BioE LLC - St. Paul, Minnesota

BioE collects cord blood donations for basic research on cord blood. This program does not require mothers to register in advance or undergo health screening.

Carolinas Cord Blood Bank - Durham, North Carolina

Carolinas Cord Blood Bank is 1 of 3 banks in the NMDP pilot study of MAIL-IN DONATIONS. Eligible mothers must register by the 34th week of pregnancy and pass a health screening.

Celebration Stem Cell Centre - Gilbert, Arizona

The Celebration Stem Cell Centre (CSCC) began operations in Gilbert, a suburb of Phoenix AZ, in Sept. 2010. The bank provides both family storage and public donation of cord blood. CSCC is affiliated with a Translational Research Institute (TRI) that will support projects using cord blood research donations for cardiovascular therapy.

Children's Hospital of Orange County Cord Blood Bank - Orange, California

Children's Hospital of Oakland is famous for offering the nation's first Sibling Donor cord blood program, where families with a child needing transplant could receive free cord blood banking for a new baby.

Cleveland Cord Blood Center - Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland Cord Blood Center collects donations from two hospitals in the Cleveland area. Advanced registration is not required. The program operates 24/7, but the lab is not open on Sunday. In addition to the US donation inventory maintained by NMDP, Cleveland CBC also participates in the BMDW international registry of cord blood donations.

Community Blood Services - Allendale, New Jersey

Donors can sign up without pre-registration at those participating hospitals that have on-site staff. Mail-in donations are collected from hospitals via the NuvaCord Network.

Cord Blood Bank of Arkansas - Little Rock, Arkansas

The Cord Blood Bank of Arkansas launched operations in 2011, providing both public donation and family banking services. They hope to collect donations statewide.

CORD:USE - Orlando, Florida

CORD:USE was founded by some of the leading doctors in cord blood transplantation. They offer both public donation and family storage. Public donations collected by CORD:USE are sent to the Carolinas Cord Blood Bank, a FACT-accredited program under the direction of Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg. CORD:USE only accepts donations from medical centers where they have trained the staff. The collection may be performed by dedicated personnel or by OB/Gyn's and midwives. CORD:USE training allows staff to either collect cord blood "in utero", prior to delivery of the placenta, or to collect "ex utero", by draining cord blood from the placenta after it has been delivered.

Donor Services of Indiana - Fort Wayne, Indiana

Hospitals that work with Donor Services of Indiana are color-coded primarily as a research donation because they ask all mothers to consent to donate perinatal tissue, while only a small fraction of the births are eligible to donate cord blood to a transplant program. Expectant mothers are approached for consent when they are admitted for labor.

Gift of Life - Boca Raton, Florida

Gift of Life is a non-profit charity that seeks to help Jewish patients find a transplant match. They recruit bone marrow donors and cord blood donations, with their efforts focused on locations with large Jewish populations. Gift of Life operates their own accredited cord blood laboratory that participates in the national NMDP network. In order for their cord blood donations to be listed on the NMDP network, obstetricians who collect for Gift of Life must undergo training and regular proficiency testing.

ITxM: The Institute For Transfusion Medicine - Rosemont, Illinois

The Institute For Transfusion Medicine (ITxM) is the parent company of multiple blood-banking concerns, including two programs collecting cord blood donations from the states IL and PA.

J.P. McCarthy Cord Stem Cell Bank - Detroit, Michigan

The J.P. McCarthy cord blood bank was founded in memory of a morning radio show host in Detroit. It is run by the Karmanos Cancer Institute.

LifebankUSA - Cedar Knolls, New Jersey

This mail-in donation program requires registration at least 4 weeks prior to delivery and mothers must pass a health screening. LifebankUSA and its parent, Celgene Cellular Therapeutics, are the only USA organization doing research on the combined therapeutic potential of stem cells from cord blood plus stem cells from placental blood. They need donations of both cord blood and placentas, to supply their clinical trials that may help patients with the following conditions:

  • Crohn's Disease
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Ischemic Stroke
LifeCord - Gainesville, Florida

LifeCord public cord blood bank is a program of LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, developed in cooperation with the University of Florida College of Medicine and the Shands at UF Stem Cell Laboratory. The medical director of LifeCord is Dr. John Wingard, director of the stem cell transplant program at Shands.

Lifeforce Cryobanks - Altamonte Springs , Florida

In 2003 Lifeforce Cryobanks became the first public bank enrolling mothers to mail in donations. Those donations that cannot be accepted for unrelated transplants are either sold for research or discarded. Parent enthusiasm for this program has always exceeded the company's ability to accept donations.

M. D. Anderson Cord Blood Bank - Houston, Texas

M.D. Anderson Cord Blood Bank is 1 of 3 banks in the NMDP pilot study of MAIL-IN DONATIONS. Eligible mothers must register by the 34th week of pregnancy and pass a health screening.

Michigan Community Blood Centers Cord Blood Bank - Grand Rapids, Michigan

Michigan Cord Blood Bank mails the donation kit to the expectant mother but only accepts collections from deliveries at selected hospitals.

Midwest Cord Blood Bank - Indianapolis, Indiana

The Midwest Cord Blood Bank will accept donations from anywhere in the state of Indiana. However, due to medical regulations, they can only list collections for transplant use if they come from hospitals that have an IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval. Donations from other hospitals are stripped of donor identity and designated for research use only.
NY Blood Center National Cord Blood Program - Long Island City, New York

Collection hospitals for the NY Blood Center do NOT require advance registration: mothers can give a partial consent to collect the cord blood during labor, and only if the collected cord blood is suitable for transplantation will the mothers will be given additional education and asked for a final banking consent post-delivery.

Puget Sound Blood Center - Seattle, Washington

The Puget Sound Blood Center (PSBC) collects cord blood donations directly in Washington state, and also receives donations from collection programs in Oregon and Hawaii.

Saneron CCEL - Tampa, Florida

This mail-in donation program does require advance registration, but it can take place after 35 weeks and almost up to the time of birth, so long as the application is processed in time. The donated cord blood is used in animals for disease research. Parents can earmark their cord blood to be used towards a particular Saneron CCEL research program that they wish to support.

St. Louis Cord Blood Bank - St. Louis, Missouri

St. Louis Cord Blood Bank accepts cord blood donations from hospitals within a 150 mile radius, in both Missouri and Illinois.

StemCyte - Covina, California

StemCyte is a global company. StemCyte participates in the US network of public cord blood banks operated by NMDP, plus StemCyte operates the national cord blood bank of Taiwan, whose units are listed with NMDP. The StemCyte lab in Southern California is accredited under the international FACT/Netcord standards, and provides both public donation and family storage for US parents. Note that, under FACT accreditation, cord blood donations can only be accepted at times when there are dedicated collection personnel on duty.

Texas Cord Blood Bank - San Antonio, Texas

Texas Cord Blood Bank at the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center is 1 of 3 banks in the NMDP pilot study of MAIL-IN DONATIONS. Eligible mothers must register by the 34th week of pregnancy and pass a health screening. The Texas Cord Blood Bank can only accept donations on weekdays.

University of Arizona Cord Blood Bank - Tucson, Arizona

The University of Arizona has been collecting cord blood donations purely for research from the University of Arizona Medical Center since the 1990's. Researchers at the U. of Arizona seek to develop regenerative medicine therapies that rely upon the stem cells in cord blood.

University of Colorado Cord Blood Bank - Aurora, Colorado

The University of Colorado Cord Blood Bank (UCCBB) is operated by ClinImmune Labs, an academic-based biotechnology company.

University of Iowa Cord Blood Bank - Iowa City, Iowa

The University of Iowa collects cord blood donations specifically for disease research, not transplants.
