Enrollment in the Cord Blood and Cord Tissue Stem Cell Service

  • Enroll Online
    The online enrollment process is convenient and simple. Provide us information about yourself and your healthcare provider. It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
  • Enroll by Phone
    Call them at your convenience and in the comfort of your surroundings -- any time of day or night, 24/7. Please provide them with your details so that their Cord Blood Banking Consultant can contact you to arrange for a private consultation.

  • Print Enrollment Form
    You can also download our enrollment form so that you can fill out offline.
After you enroll you will receive a kit with everything you and your doctors need for a successful cord blood collection. You’ll keep your kit with your prepacked hospital luggage so it will be ready when the big day arrives.
After your baby is born, your obstetrician or midwife will clamp and cut the cord and then collect the cord blood. The blood will flow into the bag by gravity until it stops. The actual collection typically takes two to four minutes.

After the cord blood has been collected, the blood bag is then clamped, sealed, and clearly labeled for easy identification. Your baby’s cord blood will then be transferred to a processing facility by private medical courier for processing and storage. Collection, processing, and preservation methods vary depending on which cord blood company your family chooses.

Families who bank enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that their baby’s cord blood is available should the need for a medical transplant ever arise.

Cord Blood Foundation recommends that parents select a Family Bank whose laboratory has been inspected and accredited by an accreditation agency specific to cord blood banking, as this provides a degree of quality assurance.